Module 2, Week 4
So! things got a little more complicated as each participant worked through their understanding of WHY and HOW I was using language as the subject matter in visual, creative studies, and what the relevance - if any of what such usage was. We had a very fruitful discussion on the value of language in all its various forms as being the most accessible point of cultural entry and a very relevant departure point for creativity. Unlike, for example, a module dealing with landscape, or portraiture, language (the written word/prose/poetry/the letters of the alphabet/units/symbols/concepts/etc) can be adjusted/manipulated/built up or destroyed and remade more than any subject matter a creative person wishes to access. Janina called my history lesson a 'skid' as I attempted to situate current visual poetry in a historic setting. I liked that :-) - 5 weeks to attempt a subject this broard, even at lightning speed, is just, well...impossible. Janina At this junct...