Classes planned (D.V.) for January/February 2019

It's REALLY hard to believe that it's the new year... I don't quite seem to have finished the last one 😲! I am really looking forward to working with everyone again, and hope to introduce more participants to this course. Reminder:
The entire course is 6 modules which combine art, creative writing, narrative therapy and art therapy to enhance/access and reformulate in some instances creative thinking.

January 26th   Mojo 2 - last class of Module 1
January 29th   Mojo 4 - beginning of Module 1
February 6th   Mojo 3 - Start of Module 3 (proposed date)
February 16th Mojo 1 - Class 2 of Module 1

New Classes
February 5th  Mojo 5 - Classes start - Introductory Class in Glen Anil - 9.30

The programme is as follows: 
Introductory Class 1
Self Portrait - of another sort
What is a self-portrait? What is its function/How does it function? 

Module 1
The Right of Writing
4/5 Sessions)
We cover the following discussions, all the while making a painting:
Understanding a BLOCK/the Liminal Space/the cross-pollination of disciplines (the Medici Effect)/mind maps/discussion on ancient writing forms/palimpsests/the intention to create - how does one start?/what is asemic writing?/what is automatic writing?/what is thinking?/formation of a personal glyph/discussion on ‘what is thinking’/what is the purpose of reflection and process/The Great Cover Up/The Great Cut-Up.

Introductory Class
On making Books there is no end 
(1 session)
In order to proceed to session 2 one must know how to make a book. This session will be a presentation on artists books in general and we will make two books in particular.

Module 2
On Making Poetic the Visual and Visual the Poetic 
( 4/5 sessions)
What is Poetry?/what are its various forms?/what is its history? - a Skid through this creative form/cut-up techniques/ dismantling the word/collage/creating visual poetry together /creation of a chapbook - a book within a book/unraveling the book/- we will paint/create EVERY session in order to produce a unique book.

Module 3 Identity and the Self
(4/5 Sessions)
How have we become who we are?/structures of material culture/finding the voice of My Story/what are narratives/the animal in me/hybrids/letting in the voice of the wild/the benefits of archeology/expanding the logogram/still life/momento mori.  

Module 4
The Power of Narrative and the value of ancient stories 
3/4 sessions)
This module addresses the power of ancient stories as still applicable today.  We will discuss and create from stories such as Cinderella, The Red Shoes and Bluebeard. We will create our own story, as a limited edition published book. Please note: this module may take longer than suggested. This depends on the participants at the workshops and how involved/successful each week will be. 

Module 5
Investigating the Landscape within the Mindscape sessions)
An exploration of the landscape in its natural and mental forms (landscape as allegory and reality). This will involve a theoretical element with an emphasis on the Romantic period and Romantic painters such as Caspar David Friedrich.

Module 6
Mapping the Journey)
4 sessions)
What is a journey?/Where am I so far?/How far am I prepared to travel?/Heroes and heroines/

Please note: Each of these sessions involves much creativity in the form of writing/painting/drawing/book making/printing/stencilling/etc - the purpose after all, is to unlock our OWN creativity. After completion of the entire 6 modules, a certificate will be issued. Websites:


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