Saturday was simply wonderful. I think one underestimates the power of time spent just unpacking the humdrum of our life and investing it with creative meaning. It's a powerful thing to be able to express in color and unformed word - but word none the less - the power of our hidden resources. We all have artistic abilities that remain hidden because life/time or circumstance just cannot allow us to access them. Saturday was the last class of the first MoJo Module. We summarized, drew the major lessons from the module on Accessing Creativity, finished the paintings, drew the workbooks together and completed an artists book, titled The Self Portrait and the Seed. We cannot (me included!) wait to begin the next Module, scheduled for 9 March D.V. at the MoJo Studio.
The point was Process, BUT...
I stress, and had to reiterate during the workshop that the point of these first four sessions was to access creativity via formal and informal writing methodologies, BUT the visual end results were quite spectacular anyway. I think that's a by-product of complete engagement and willingness to let go. By the fourth session, participants were willing to just 'play' with the course point in mind - I LOVE the results. By the final class, I think they were not even startled by my teaching methods and willingly entered into 'cut-up' mode. The terminology we discussed, such as; the liminal space, palimpsests, ancient and writing forms, and creativity in general had shifted everyone - I also benefited hugely from the course, matching Annmarie, Jackie and Janina stroke for stroke. Asemic writing was one of the keys used to unlock the liminal space - the threshold where there is so much to say, and often no way to say it. Art and writing speak as no other medi...
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